How Eartho Simplifies Authentication and User Management for Small Businesses

Chase Hernandez

In the fast-paced digital world, small businesses often face significant challenges when it comes to managing user authentication and access. Balancing security, simplicity, and cost can make or break a company's online operations. This is where Eartho steps in, offering a robust, secure, and entirely free solution to simplify authentication and user management processes. Here’s how Eartho can be a game-changer for small businesses.

1. One Line Integration

One of the most daunting tasks for any small business is integrating complex authentication systems. Eartho eliminates this hassle with a solution that can be integrated into your systems with just one line of code. Imagine replacing thousands of lines of maintenance-heavy code with a robust authentication system, freeing up valuable developer time and resources.


"With Eartho, we replaced 37,000 lines of code with ~50 lines of integration," says Ilya K, a satisfied Eartho user. "I'm not a part-time login & subscription engineer anymore."

2. Comprehensive Authentication Solutions

Eartho supports various authentication methods, including passwords, phone numbers, and federated identity providers like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. This flexibility ensures that small businesses can offer their users a seamless and familiar login experience.


  • User Flexibility: Users can log in using their preferred method, enhancing convenience and satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Security: Multiple authentication methods reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

3. Simplified Authorization and Permissions

Managing user roles and permissions can become convoluted as your business grows. Eartho simplifies this process through an intuitive admin dashboard, allowing you to effortlessly assign roles, set permissions, and organize users into groups.


  • Roles Management: Define and assign roles to control access.
  • Permission Settings: Tailor access levels based on user roles.
  • Group Organization: Organize users into groups for efficient management.

4. Integrated Payment Processing

Payments are integral to most online businesses. Eartho seamlessly integrates payments with user authentication, eliminating the need for separate systems. This feature is particularly beneficial for subscription-based services and e-commerce platforms.


  • Streamlined Processes: Handle payments and authentication in one place.
  • Secure Transactions: Enhanced security for financial transactions.
  • Cost-effective: Lower costs by reducing the need for multiple service providers.

5. Advanced Security Features

Eartho goes beyond basic security measures, offering advanced protection against XSS, CSRF, session fixation, and session leaks. Regular security tests ensure that vulnerabilities are swiftly identified and mitigated.

Security Highlights:

  • Regular Testing: Proactive identification of vulnerabilities.
  • Protection Measures: Comprehensive protection against various online threats.
  • Encrypted Information: Ensures data is encrypted and secure.

6. Customizable UI and Seamless Integration

No two businesses are the same, and Eartho recognizes this by offering customizable UI and seamless data sync across multiple platforms. This allows businesses to personalize their applications without hassle and ensure consistent user experiences across web, mobile, and browser extensions.

Customization and Sync:

  • Customizable UI: Align the look and feel with your brand.
  • Platform Sync: Ensure user data syncs seamlessly across devices and extensions.

7. Free Migration and 24/7 Support

Switching to Eartho is a breeze, thanks to their free migration service and 24/7 customer support. Eartho experts provide personalized assistance during the migration process, ensuring minimal disruption to your business.

Customer Support:

  • 24/7 Availability: Get help whenever you need it.
  • Expert Assistance: Personalized support from Eartho specialists.
  • Smooth Transition: Seamless migration process, typically completed in one day.

8. Cost-Effective Solution

Small businesses often have limited budgets, and spending a fortune on authentication infrastructure can be impractical. Eartho offers a cost-effective solution that is even cheaper than maintaining your own infrastructure and paying cloud fees. This allows businesses to allocate more resources towards growth and innovation.

Value Proposition:

  • Cost Savings: Eliminate expenses associated with complex authentication systems.
  • Free Infrastructure: Access comprehensive user management solutions at no cost.


Eartho simplifies authentication and user management for small businesses by offering a comprehensive, secure, and cost-effective solution. With features like one-line integration, comprehensive authentication methods, simplified authorization, integrated payments, advanced security, customizable UI, free migration, and 24/7 support, Eartho stands out as an invaluable tool for small businesses. Focus on growing your business, and let Eartho handle the complexities of user management and authentication.

Experience the Eartho advantage today and transform the way you manage your users and authentication processes. Sign up and see the difference Eartho makes for your small business!